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Перевести значения перечисляемого типа в строки

Оформил: DeeCo

  You obtain a string equivalent of an enumerated type value using the 
  GetEnumName function: 

  function GetEnumName(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Integer): string;

  The first argument is a pointer to the enumerated type’s RTTI information, 
  and the second argument is the ordinal position of the value within the enumerated type. 
  GetEnumName returns a string representing the corresponding enumerated type value. 
  You get the ordinal position of an enumerated type value based on a string using the 
  GetEnumValue function: 

  function GetEnumValue(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Name: string): Integer;

  Like GetEnumName, the first argument is a pointer to the RTTI information. 
  The second argument is a string that represents the enumerated type value. 
  This function returns the ordinal position of the corresponding value. 

 // Example: 

// Declare a custom type: 
   TOurType = (otFirst, otSecond, otThird, otForth, otFifth, otLast);

   Form1: TForm1;


 {$R *.DFM}


 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   OT: TOurType;
   FT: TFontStyle;
   // Enumerate TFontStyle values 
  // Zeigt alle TFontStyle Werte an 

  Memo1.Lines.Add('The TFontStyle values:');
   for FT := Low(TFontStyle) to High(TFontStyle) do
     Memo1.Lines.Add(GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TFontStyle), Ord(FT)));

   // Enumerate our custom TOurType values 
  // Werte vom Benutzerdefiniertern Typ TOurType auflisten. 

  Memo1.Lines.Add('The TOurType values:');
   for OT := Low(TOurType) to High(TOurType) do
     Memo1.Lines.Add(GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TOurType), Ord(OT)));
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Автор проекта: USU Software
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