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Как установить значение строкового или целого поля если оно присутствует

Автор: Xavier Pacheco

I am building a routine that checks our forms for validity before deploying them. I would like to use some kind of structure that tests if a component type has access to a certain property, something like: " if (self.Controls[b] has Tag) then ...". Can anyone offer suggestions?

Here's an example of setting a string property for a component if it exists and another for an integer property:

procedure SetStringPropertyIfExists(AComp: TComponent; APropName: string;
  AValue: string);
  PropInfo: PPropInfo;
  TK: TTypeKind;
  PropInfo := GetPropInfo(AComp.ClassInfo, APropName);
  if PropInfo <> nil then
    TK := PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind;
    if (TK = tkString) or (TK = tkLString) or (TK = tkWString) then
      SetStrProp(AComp, PropInfo, AValue);

procedure SetIntegerPropertyIfExists(AComp: TComponent; APropName: string;
  AValue: Integer);
  PropInfo: PPropInfo;
  PropInfo := GetPropInfo(AComp.ClassInfo, APropName);
  if PropInfo <> nil then
    if PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind = tkInteger then
      SetOrdProp(AComp, PropInfo, AValue);
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