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Запуск Delphi с секретными параметрами

Оформил: DeeCo

-ns : ("no splash") flag skips the splash screen : Startet Delphi ohne Splash Screen (ab Delphi 2)

(Delphi 2 and later)

Delphi32.EXE -ns

-np : ("no project") flag tells Delphi not to open an empty project on startup : Startet Delphi, ohne ein leeres Projekt zu цffnen.

(Delphi 5 and later)

Delphi32.EXE -np

-hm : ("Heap Monitor")
Displays information in the IDE title bar regarding the amount of memory allocated using the memory manager. Displays the number of blocks and bytes allocated. Information gets updated when the IDE is idle. : Zeigt in der Titelleiste der IDE Informationen ьber den allozierten Speicher an. Zeigt die Anzahl allozierten Blocks/Bytes an.

(Delphi 3 and later)

Delphi32.EXE -hm

-attach: Attach to running process.
This command-line is used to make Delphi a JIT debugger on Windows 95/98/NT.
Delphi 4 and later.

These command-line switches are
case-insensitive and can be prefixed with either - or /.


Die Parameter sind Case-Insensitive und kцnnen ein - oder / vorangestellt haben.
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Автор проекта: USU Software
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