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Как сделать текстовый список всех доступных свойств перечисляемого типа

Автор: Sen

I need to get a list of strings (like a StringList) with the possible values for a TBrushStyle property (bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, for example). I want to build a ComboBox with this options. How can I set the property Items of my ComboBox directly with all the values from the enumerated type TBrushStyle? My ComboBox will be alike the Property Editor for this type.

You can use runtime type information (RTTI) to do that. Below is an example:

  {...}, TypInfo

procedure BrushStylesAsStrings(AList: TStrings);
  a: integer;
  pInfo: PTypeInfo;
  pEnum: PTypeData;
  pInfo := PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TBrushStyle));
  pEnum := GetTypeData(pInfo);
  with pEnum^ do
    for a := MinValue to MaxValue do
      AList.Add(GetEnumName(pInfo, a));
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